To support and stimulate the cooperation among the stakeholders, Biobridges adopted a methodological approach aiming at facilitating the connection, collaboration and co-creation among Consumers, Bio-based Industries and Brand Owners.
This methodological approach (described in D4.2, the Biobridges platform) was supported by gamified and interactive co-creation experiences, that have been designed, implemented and validated during the lifetime of the project to ease the participant’s involvement and contribution during the Biobridges co-creation events. The idea is to make sure that all people involved are stimulated and facilitated in expressing their opinions independently by their knowledge, background and level of expertise on the topics discussed, enabling them to contribute to designing the solutions to specific needs.
Gamified and interactive co-creation experiences enable diverse groups to diverge, create and finally converge identifying solutions to respond to specific challenges. It also facilitates the understanding of the other stakeholder’s perspective.
In addition, since several Biobridges co-creation activities took place during the COVID-19 health emergency, the main challenge was to overcome the limitations of online interactions, enabling the participants to be involved and active in the discussion, through an integrated suite of tools.
Compared to the initial set of methods and tools (D4.7 Chapter 4), new formats have been tested, improved and validated in several Biobridges co-creation events, both physical (as initially foreseen) and online (due to COVID-19 situation) and transformed in a comprehensive package, ready to be exploited in several contexts.
Some of the tools evolved in standalone formats, like the Bridge2Brands and the TimeTravel (described in the next paragraphs), while others have been already replicated by other EU funded projects like LIFT, PRONTO, TETRA, BIOVOICES, etc. in the context of events those projects organized (e.g. the workshop “building Networks” organized by BIOVOICES and the Agricultural Systems of the Future Coordination Office of the German federal Ministry of Education and Research - 3 September 2020).